Everlasting, Unfailing, & Yours…

Like many of you, February holds a special place in my heart. That’s because more than 35 years ago, my sweetheart proposed on Valentine’s Day and our journey to becoming one officially began!

Wanting every detail to be meaningful and fun, Marcus carefully concealed the proposal in a fortune cookie at one of my favorite restaurants, The Dragon Den. Breaking it open, I slowly read the words that changed my life forever, “Joni Lynn, will you marry me?” Filled with joy and surprise, I said yes!

Later, after discovering my engagement ring wrapped in a heart-shaped box of chocolates, I remember thinking about all the time and energy Marcus spent precisely planning this moment. And as incredible as it was – and still is – God’s plan to love and redeem you through Jesus Christ is even better!

So, while Valentine’s Day floods my heart with warm memories, it may remind you of fresh pain. Whether it’s a broken relationship, the loss of a loved one, or the ache of hope deferred because the right one still hasn’t been revealed, you can experience the beauty and fullness of the Father’s heart for you.

Jesus paid the price so that God could hold you in His arms and whisper words of peace and purpose. I pray you’ll reach out to Him and celebrate a love that’s everlasting, unfailing, and yours – today and every day!